Incomplete films Recently added Feature films Short films Incomplete films All titles Recently added Title Year - newest first Year - oldest first 14 min 1910 The Cossack Duke INCOMPLETE | Anna, the beautiful daughter of a general, and the young lieutenant Cernieff are in love. The Cossack Duke 38 min 1916 The Man with the Missing Finger IV FRAGMENT | John Smith, a criminal who goes by the name The Man with the Nine Fingers, is sick of being behind bars. The Man with the Missing Finger IV 27 min 1930 The Temptation FRAGMENT | A young man finds employment as an apprentice in a grocery store. The Temptation 38 min 1911 The Great Moment FRAGMENT | When the maid Annie falls pregnant by a nephew of the owner of the estate where she works, she’s sent away. The Great Moment 3 min 1914 The Sweep Will Call To-morrow INCOMPLETE| Mr Mikkelsen, a merchant, is out on the town with his friends, enjoying a drink or five. The Sweep Will Call To-morrow 25 min 1919 The Wages of Virtue INCOMPLETE | The Widow Stein’s children, Vita and Arthur, are as different as night and day. The Wages of Virtue 13 min 1918 Love and Education FRAGMENT | Aage’s uncle wants him to drop out of law school to learn about farming on the family estate instead. Love and Education 35 min 1914 A Daughter of Eve FRAGMENT | Solicitor von Ramm lives alone with his little daughter, whom he had with his teenage sweetheart Klara. A Daughter of Eve 12 min 1913 Saved from the Path of Transgression FRAGMENT | Margrethe is in love with Worm, who only sees her as a fleeting youthful infatuation. Saved from the Path of Transgression 9 min 1916 The New Explosive FRAGMENT | The young, ambitious chemist Felix Saltau works at an explosives factory. The New Explosive 9 min 1916 A Lively Night FRAGMENT | Petersen has forgotten his gentlemen’s club-appointment and has to employ every trick to escape from home unseen. A Lively Night 10 min 1919 An Old Man's Fancy FRAGMENT | Every white hair on old Douglas Morland’s head can be attributed to his nephew, the scandalmonger Basil. An Old Man's Fancy 4 min 1917 A Sorry Knight FRAGMENT | Hannibal comes across as a total lunatic in his desperate attempt to impress Miss Alma and her father. A Sorry Knight 3 min 1919 Sweet Little Thing FRAGMENT | In the eyes of a jealous husband, a puppy is easily mistaken for an illegitimate child. Sweet Little Thing 2 min 1917 A Lively Boarding-House FRAGMENT | The ageing Miss Tillesen runs a boarding house, but her temper will soon run it to the ground. A Lively Boarding-House 11 min 1916 The Woman Tempted Me FRAGMENT | Who murdered the film star? The director is accused, the motive is jealousy, but the film is the alibi. The Woman Tempted Me 1 min 1920 The Clarinet Player FRAGMENT | A man looks around and sees a dog in a trashcan, after which his nose transforms into a clarinet that he plays for the dog. The Clarinet Player 16 min 1916 Dash for Liberty FRAGMENT | Bedridden mine owner Werner dies of an accidental opium overdose and his foster daughter is suspected of killing him. Dash for Liberty 11 min 1914 Lejla FRAGMENT | Lejla, a frivolous dressage rider, rides around with suitors and dances with death. Lejla 9 min 1913 The Man in the White Cloak FRAGMENT | An apparition appears when the threat of foreclosure looms over the family estate. The Man in the White Cloak 32 min 1911 Love and Money FRAGMENT | Wild love drives a woman to steal money from her own father. Love and Money 11 min 1920 The House of Fatal Love FRAGMENT | A curse by ancient spirits haunts the living in ‘The House of Fatal Love’. The House of Fatal Love 8 min 1917 Dance Frenzy FRAGMENT | Tønne secretly visits a posh lady for dance lessons, which his wife mistakes for infidelity. Dance Frenzy 6 min 1919 Friendship and Animosity FRAGMENT | Any grand picnic in the great outdoors is but a moment away from a brawl with an angry lepidopterist. Friendship and Animosity 5 min 1907 The Failure FRAGMENT | The film is incomplete and there are no preserved programmes which explain the story. The Failure 10 min 1921 The Monk's Temptations FRAGMENT |The beautiful Margrethe is engaged to the seminarian Bengt Darre, but oh, he’s such a bore. The Monk's Temptations 13 min 1910 The Black Domino FRAGMENT | A young man finds himself at loggerheads with his friend after he has tried to kiss his wife and at the same time turns out to be a common thief. The Black Domino 7 min 1908 The Will FRAGMENT | A man lies on his deathbed and shows his will to his carer. The Will 6 min 1911 The Old Merchant’s Home FRAGMENT | The fragment consists of three scenes from The Old Merchant’s Home. The Old Merchant’s Home 2 min 1910 Valdemar Sejr FRAGMENT | Karl of Riise must say goodbye to his beloved Rigmor when he’s summoned by King Valdemar. Valdemar Sejr 13 min 1913 One Life One Love FRAGMENT | At a party, Frede meets the popular actress Edith, with whom he falls head over heels in love. One Life One Love 15 min 1914 Count Dahlborg’s Secret FRAGMENT | These recordings were part of Valdemar Psilander’s live performance at the Royal Orfeum in Budapest, in February and March 1914. Count Dahlborg’s Secret 1 min 1921 A Wonderful Dream INCOMPLETE | In this small fragment from the cartoon A Wonderful Dream, a rotund man pines for delicious stuff. A Wonderful Dream 11 min 1910 Kean FRAGMENT | The film is loosely based on Alexandre Dumas’ play about the celebrated actor Kean, who moves effortlessly through all walks of life in 1830s London. Kean 19 min 1911 Artists FRAGMENT | When a wealthy landowner falls in love with circus artist Miranda, she leaves her circus boyfriend to marry him. Artists 2 min 1911 Among Copenhagen Apaches FRAGMENT | When it’s discovered that Fanny, a poor cigar worker, is frequenting the quarters of the manufacturer’s rich son, she’s banished from both home and work. Among Copenhagen Apaches 2 min 1908 The Barber's Baby's Christening FRAGMENT | It’s the day of the barber’s baby’s christening, and the guests start arriving with their flowers and gifts, dropping them off while the barber is still trying to see to his last customer. The Barber's Baby's Christening 10 min 1907 Once Upon a Time FRAGMENT | The Princess of Illyria rejects all suitors, but suddenly begins to take an interest in a wandering pauper roaming the vicinity of the royal castle. Once Upon a Time 18 min 1925 The Cocaine Rush FRAGMENT | The eccentric Tom Nigel strolls through Copenhagen. The Cocaine Rush 8 min 1907 The Merry Widow FRAGMENT | In the impoverished Balkan principality of Pontevedrino, a love drama unfolds. The Merry Widow 43 min 1914 The World's Poison FRAGMENT | A young sailor has to leave his fiancée behind when he is called out to sea. The World's Poison 1 min 1916 The trumpeter and the author FRAGMENT | Two good friends – Pengel the writer and Pustervig the trumpeter – live in next-door garrets. The trumpeter and the author 1 min 1913 Isle of the Dead FRAGMENT | Prince Udo von Freundsberg leads a carefree and irresponsible life in the company of false friends and the beautiful Countess Irma, but in reality he is deeply in debt. Isle of the Dead 2 min 1915 The Nordisk Films Kompagni's Studios This small clip is part of a promotional film for Nordisk Film from around 1915. The Nordisk Films Kompagni's Studios 1 min 1913 A Paradise Lost FRAGMENT | Feeling neglected by her busy husband, Muriel meets the nobleman Emile le Blanc and falls for him head over heels. A Paradise Lost 23 min 1913 The Dock Catastrophe FRAGMENT | Gernau, a successful engineer, is married to a younger woman, Anna. The Dock Catastrophe 4 min 1909 The Mysterious Cigar FRAGMENT | Young Hansen is deeply in love with his boss’s daughter and regularly meets with her in secret. The Mysterious Cigar 4 min 1910 Holger the Dane FRAGMENT | In the cellars of Kronborg, a fully armed Holger the Dane sits quietly sleeping when he is suddenly called into action. Holger the Dane 8 min 1927 The People of the Borderland FRAGMENT | The Family Steffensen lives on a farm in Southern Jutland. The People of the Borderland 6 min 1910 The White Slave Trade FRAGMENT | Anna, a young girl from a poor but honest household, is offered an attractive position as a lady's companion in London. The White Slave Trade 26 min 1916 The Spider’s Prey FRAGMENT | The titular villain is an infamous international criminal, Mrs Valentin Kempel, known as “The Predator Spider” due to her habit of ensnaring innocent victims in her web. The Spider’s Prey 4 min 1911 Hotel Thieves FRAGMENT | An infamous criminal couple, nicknamed ‘The Hotel Rats’, have long haunted the hotels of the city. Hotel Thieves 14 min 1914 Love's Devotee FRAGMENT | Two friends, Fritz and Theodor, make the acquaintance of Christine and Mizzi, who are also friends. Love's Devotee 105 min 1937 30 Years of Nordisk Film “30 Years of Nordisk Film” celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of Nordisk Film, featuring clips of the company’s major films from its first three decades. 30 Years of Nordisk Film 3 min 1914 The Golden Horns FRAGMENT | Using motifs from the classic Adam Oehlenschläger poem, the legend of the Golden Horns is told across four different epochs. The Golden Horns 17 min 1910 A Hero From 64 FRAGMENT | Everything is peace and quiet at the family Kemp's house in Sønderborg, but danger is lurking outside their doors. A Hero From 64 9 min 1923 Daredevil of the Movies 'Daredevil of the movies' is a promotion reel compiled of film extracts showing some of actress and aerial artist Emilie Sannom's most daring stunts. Daredevil of the Movies 8 min 1915 The Seaside Hotel FRAGMENT | When Gregoire and Lola go on a beach holiday to the idyllic Skagen, they don't know yet that the trip will be the end of their marriage. The Seaside Hotel 3 min 1912 Boston and the Telescope FRAGMENT | A young man accidently gets hold of a telescope, which he quickly finds good use for. Boston and the Telescope 1 min 1915 Money (after Zola's novel) FRAGMENT | Following some dodgy dealings, stockbroker Saccard is determined to pull himself out of the gutter and regain is reputation. Money (after Zola's novel) 2 min 1917 Death Onboard FRAGMENT | Criminal detective Oliver Svift and his assistant Henry Mill embark on something of a hair-raising adventure as they take on the task of helping Kitty Williams. Death Onboard 20 min 1917 The Daughter of Darkness FRAGMENT | Once again, the Daughter of Darkness has been put behind bars for yet another one of her infamous crimes. The Daughter of Darkness 6 min 1908 La Tosca FRAGMENT | A courtly drama of a bridegroom arrested for being intimate with the queen. La Tosca