The film tells the story of a young man – known as ‘Everyman’ – who falls in thrall to the power of evil in his early youth and spends his whole life as a wicked, dissolute person.
While studying theology, he falls in love with the pastor’s beautiful daughter Sylvia and soon forgets all about the boring books. The pastor’s resistance to their relationship causes Everyman to turn his back on the church and on Christian faith and leave the country. He succeeds in making Sylvia come with him, but as the years go by, she increasingly yearns to return home, and though he tries, he fails to hold on to her. Malicious as he is, Everyman devises an unscrupulous plan to get Sylvia back.
The film is loosely based on the Austrian poet Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s play “Jedermann”/”The Play of Everyman” from 1911, which addresses “the rich pleasure-seeker’s helplessness and loneliness in the face of death” (quoted from the film’s original programme).