The Bilberries

Lau Lauritzen Sr., 1925, 92 min
When the modest butcher’s wife becomes a wealthy landowner, it immidiately goes to her head. With her new stuck-up attitude, she rejects the long-time butcher’s apprentice when he asks for her daughter’s hand in marriage. Fortunately, the poor butcher’s apprentice is friends with Pat and Patachon, who work in a circus and have experience with clownery. Together, they must fight fancy with silly, and ground the butcher’s wife’s aloofness, in the name of love!

The film has Norwegian intertitles and Danish subtitles. The preserved film appears damaged at times.

‘The Bilberries’ is a classic Pat and Patachon comedy, in which the comedic pair are supporting characters in the main story about two young people and their troubles with love across class differences.

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