A young hunter, Leo, gets involved in a feud between a sleazy secretary and the kind-hearted Jennae. The secretary desperately tries to charm Jennae with an expensive piece of jewelry. However, Jennae simply donates it to her cousin before he leaves. When the scorned secretary discovers this, he demands that Jennae wear the piece of jewelry that evening. Leo offers his assistance and promises to return the jewelry. Will he manage to, and what consequences will his heroic deed have?
The film has Danish intertitles.
Alf Nielsen is both the screenwriter, director and plays the role of Leo. He was a true daredevil, which is also quite clear from the stunts he himself performs in the film. In 1924, Nielsen travelled to the US, where he was hired by a company to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge – a 48-metre jump which reportedly earnt him several thousand dollars, albeit at the expense of a sprained shoulder.